Thursday, November 15, 2012

Writing Marathon - Museum Write - Letter

Dear Mom,
                 Oh my god, you would love this. We went to the Headwaters Heritage Museum today and it was incredible. I could have spent 3 days in there and still not seen everything. Remind me to never take you in there or else we will be in there for 3 days.
                 Downstairs there was just a maze of crammed display cases and walls. There were mannequins, statues, pictures and scrap books everywhere. One display case held hand carved animals and thins ranging in size from a baseball to the eraser on the tip if a pencil. The detail was absolutely amazing! And it wasn't just pioneer age stuff. I saw a bunch of memorial for veterans of recent wars. There was a safe that we were all joking about locking someone in. I went in there and almost had a panic attack when Jacob closed the door, even though it didn't latch.
                The upstairs had several small rooms that were set with different scenes and complete with mannequins. You know how I hate those creepy things. One was even getting freaking perm! Then in the hallway there was a huge wall covered in a display of barbed wire accented with a bunch of competition ribbons. I didn't even know there was such a thing a competitive barbed wire showing! J Maybe I’ll take you there if you PROMISE a 2 hour max, maybe.

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